If you're also bad at faking conversation, don't worry as the pre-recorded voice talks to you, complete with pauses and questions to help make the call seem natural. There are currently 4 choices of call including the affirmations one and a call from your 'boss'. You can listen in to sample calls on the website.
The service is funded by the students at the moment, although they are looking for sponsors. I wonder why they haven't implemented premium rate IVR or SMS to charge for the service? Popularity dialer is only available in the USA at the moment.
There is another group that has taken this idea and done one better: www.mobilealibi.com. First, you don’t have to pre-plan - you can make rescue, alibi, and image calls remotely by dialing their toll-free number. Second, they allow you to spoof the caller ID that calls you so that you can facilitate an alibi call. take a look www.mobilealibi.com