The Women in Mobile Data Association is having an informal meet-up to chat about the buzz at this year's 3GSM in
I am Helen Keegan, a veteran of mobile marketing, advertising and media since 2000. This is my diary and musings about mobile since 2004. I am part consultant and part events organiser in London, Barcelona and beyond (Swedish Beers and Heroes of Mobile). I write here about mobile technology and media and other things I'm interested in like theatre, art, crafts, business and life.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
What’s the buzz at 3GSM? A Women in Mobile Data Association Meet-Up
It’s Barcelona, it’s 3GSM, and the Swedish Beers Posse are in town 13th February 2007

And not only that, there’ll be a few FREE beers as well courtesy of our lovely sponsors Colibria and MyStrands. Alex from Colibria will be around to chat to you about any interesting applications you may have to include in his fabulous IM platform and there will be several MyStranders and we will have partyStrands running during the evening.
Where: Belchica, Villarroel 60, 08011 Barcelona. Entrance on Gran Via de Deputacion. Metro L1 Urguell (so very near Congress) for more info on the bar, and here's a map. We'll be in the back bar.
When: Tuesday 13th February 2007 6.30pm to 8.30pm
What: Swedish Beers Mobile Networking drinks
Helen, Steve, Alex and Rudy
About our lovely sponsors

Lots of exciting events at the Dana Centre
If Music Be the Food of Love - a pre-Valentine's dinner next Wednesday and discussion about how why music has such an impact on our emotions
Refashioned, from waste to wear - designers take on the recycling challenge. [I'd love to go to this one but it's on when I'm in Barcelona]
And for you mobilists out there, SexTxt, on 28th February, a live txtalogue where you can ask sexperts any question you like anonymously via text and the question and answer will be screened at the event. This event's also being run online simultaneously.
Cyberstatus tips from Trend Central
They have found that "personal 'cool' is being redefined by technology, and as a result, digital cool is spilling over into the real world and digital footprints are important". Think myspace, youtube, Second Life, Bebo et al and it's not just your profile that's important, it's the number of 'friends' you have, or comments you get or how many video views which all contribute to a very visible popularity meter. It's happening in the business world too, although to a lesser degree, with linkedin profiles, activity on industry forums and contributions to blogs as a writer or commenter.
This raises many challenges for the 21st Century marketer as, according to the Cassandra Report, they'll need to :
- Address their brand's own cyber status as young people (and not so young) turn to the web for first impressions
- Create engaging and informative websites (nothing new there really)
- Monitor the web for your brand's presence (so you'll need to lurk and inhabit forums and social media spaces)
- Stay up to date with the latest technologies (you don't need to know the finer details, but you do need to know what they do from a customer perspective)
- Expect an influx of services and experts like social networking profile designers (we're already seeing that happen in myspace), avatar stylists (think corporate presence in Second Life from the likes of Reuters, PA Consulting, Adidas, Radio 1), blog ghostwriters (well, I know a few of those already - if you'd like an intro, let me know) and online gaming coaches to help consumers up their digital cool
Monday, January 29, 2007
Carnival Catch Up
To bluespam or not to bluespam, that is the question
First off, the Square Group is sending out free video clips from Avenue Q to passers by who happen to have their bluetooth switched on on their phone. The claim impressive results (well if you're in Direct Marketing or Sales Promotion they are). 9,595 active Bluetooth devices were detected and sent messages. Of these, 703 people accepted the offer of the video download – an average of 87 people each day. Seems good on the face of it. I applaud Square Group and Avenue Q for giving it a try. But how targeted was this audience if it was targeting passers-by? [of course, if it was aimed at fans of the show who were inside the theatre, then I could better understand it.]
Ewan shares his feelings about why bluetooth isn't designed for marketing or file sharing and is an, at best, clumsy user experience. Whilst David, from Mobile Marketing Magazine, wonders if these results are acceptable. David continues,
"Put another way, the campaign achieved a (positive) response rate of just over 7%. That, of course, is a response rate that any direct marketer would kill for, But that’s the point. Mobile marketing is not direct mail. It’s more personal than that, and brands that ignore this fact do so at their peril. And while Bluecasting may be legal, to my mind, if 93% of the people you offer a free download to decline the offer, that’s not really a success."
I actually doubt if 93% of people were annoyed at getting the bluetooth message. Some would have been mildly irritated, some would have ignored it completely, some would have left it to sort out later not realising that it was location specific and related to a bluetooth broadcasting system in the theatre, and for some, they may well have clicked on the system and it just didn't work (as in my Casino Royale experience), in which case the logs are likely to be inaccurate. And of course, there would be some people who would be annoyed and consider it as spam and completely evil. We just don't know what the breakdown is.
Putting the legalities aside which I discussed last week in relation to Virgin/Qwikker, I think this begs a larger question of marketing and advertising more generally which Carlo over at Mobhappy also hints at.
It's harder and harder to generate interest in products and services via *any* marketing methods - new or old or mobile or whatever. It's a law of diminishing returns and the youth of today don't understand the economics behind it all - i.e. that advertising has funded the majority of our entertainment for the last 50 years. So what do you do? Of course, there are clearly some wonderful success stories out there, but they are few and far between. If it was *that* easy, then we'd all be rich, but we're not - even when we have fabulous products and services to promote. It's not an easy equation to work out, even when you have the goods to start with.
I also understand why Avenue Q would use something like bluecasting - there's no messaging cost to the network operator. This makes it hugely attractive financially. And it is marginally less intrusive than a text message as your mobile number is kept private. And for any marketing campaign, 7% is a good response rate. And after all, we live in a commercial world and if the maths adds up, then the maths adds up.
But you know what, bluecasting will be an interim technology at best. At some point in the near distant future, we will be always on on our mobiles with wap access, flat rate data charges, pre-installed QR code readers and phones that just work. In that scenario, we won't need bluetooth to file share, we'll just do it over the air, like we do from our PCs. We'll take a picture of a QRcode, it will link us to the wapsite and we'll download away to our heart's content and maybe even share with a friend via the 'send to a friend's phone' link.
So traditional marketers, take heart, we'll still need magazines and posters and audio and video communication in our digital nirvana, it's just we'll be more seamlessly connected so you need to understand how this digital jigsaw fits together rather than looking at channels in isolation. So you could do worse than check out the mobile marketing course next month from e-consultancy.
Maybe I'm dreaming of a future that's 20 years away but hey, a girl can dream. I do know that in the future, we'll also have a lot less tolerance for any kind of push messaging as it will be considered spam and unwanted and will have a negative effect on the brand. And we'll be even better at ignoring it all, which we're already pretty good at as the Avenue Q campaign demonstrates - 93% of the potential audience ignored it.
Right now, we're in a transition phase. The laws are still being worked out. The technology is still flaky some of the time and we're still in a trial and error stage. But try and err you must in order to learn. We're still not quite sure how this mobile game will pan out. But in this 21st Century age of blogging, file sharing, instant access, always on digital overload, there are no easy answers. You will never be able to please all of the people all of the time, but you'd better do your best because if they're unhappy, they're going to tell all their mates pretty quickly with all these new-fangled communications methods flying around.
Ignore new technology at your peril. It really is changing our lives.
[off topic] RIP Mimi
I've just heard today that the landlady of said boarding house, Mimi Hewitt, died peacefully earlier this month. Much loved by the likes of Michael Palin and Derek Nimmo who both stayed with her, she will be much missed by her very large extended family and many friends and also the many actors who stayed with her - Chris Corcoran, Gary Sharkey, Bill Gaminara, Deborah Makepeace and many many more. She even gets a mention on Just a Minute on Radio 4.
I spent half my childhood in her house and not only did I get to hang out with loads of actors, she also taught me French from the age of six which is why I have a great French accent (I've forgotten a lot of the vocabulary though but I sound good!), and I had my first date in her house with a very handsome young Parisien. Where are you now Laurent Roussel-Bert?! So thank you Mimi, I'll remember you always.
I've unfortunately missed Mimi's funeral which was on Friday but I know that some of my readers are friends of mine from Worcester days and would want to know. RIP Mimi.
Mireille (Mimi) Regine Primrose
Aged 88 years. Peacefully on Friday, January 12th, at Worcestershire Royal Hospital. Beloved mother to Feriel, Theresa, Jenni and Anne, much loved grandmother to fourteen and special great grandmother to twenty three. She will always be remembered. The funeral service for Mimi will be held at St. Georges Roman Catholic Church, Sansome Place, Worcester, at 12 noon on Friday, January 26th. Flowers or a donation to The Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Coronary Care Unit Trust Fund, may be sent to A V Band, 41 St Nicholas Street, Worcester. WR1 1UW.
Make your Mark with a Tenner
Starting today, 10k young people across the UK will get a tenner and one month to see what they can achieve with it. Over 110 schools are taking part and participants can work alone or in groups. There are awards for those who make the most money and also who has the greatest social impact.
There is a blog to keep up with progress (although there's nothing there yet) and of course the main site where you can read all about it. I think this is a really interesting one to watch and should be more engaging and more accessible than programs like the Princes Trust (which has its place but is a *lot* of work for those involved) so I wish all the participants and sponsors the best of luck and hope it's a huge success.
Mobile Data usage is up in the UK
The MDA has lots of useful information about phones and the mobile internet so it's worth checking out. If you're after some help to set up your mobile phone for wap or mobile internet, then go here. And if you're after some useful or entertaining wap sites to view on your handset, then you could do worse than checking this list out.
Don't forget to watch your data charges though and if you're planning to use data services, then it's worth changing to t-mobile's web 'n walk or Three's x-series to avoid billshock.
Friday, January 26, 2007
A few links for you 26 January 2007
The New York Times has a good article on what's happening in mobile marketing and advertising and is worth a look.
Technomarketer explains mobile ad formats and audience for mobile marketing and mobile advertising.
Five Blogs Before Lunch highlights a study that demonstrates youth is still the primary audience for mobile marketing. I suspect the research may be a little skewed. I do few 'yoof' campaigns and don't have a problem with running campaigns for oldies (ie the over 30s) and in fact, m:metrics research suggests that oldies is where the mobile money is anyway.
Kuwait is embracing mobile marketing and this article explains what Wataniya is doing out there with the help from their friends at Satama.
The Archbishop of Canterbury goes mobile with a Lenten text message service.
And the video and podcasts are up from Mobile Mondays including the one in November where I talked about 10 trends in mobile marketing (3gp file).
Mobile Advertising Guidelines published
I've been using mobile advertising successfully for some of my clients in the last 6 months or so and I've been impressed with the results and conversion rates. Why not try it for yourself here with Admob who are one of the largest mobile advertising firms.
And finally, if you're after some new case studies to check out, then it's worth you have a look at the 2006 MMA Annual Mobile Marketing Guide in Association with Advertising Age (pdf). It was published in December 2006 so the information is still recent enough and it covers case studies from across the world, not just the USA.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Where are the women in mobile?
I've just been looking at the speakers list for ihollywood which is running concurrently with 3GSM. At least there are *3* female speakers during the day (out of 27!) but I wonder how many women will attend? At least having 3 speakers is better than the zero female speakers at MediaTech as run by LibraryHouse in December last year and the very low attendance by women at the event (I counted maybe 10 women throughout the day - Library House admits they're stumped as to how to attract more women). Even at my own Swedish Beers event, men probably outnumbered the women by about 9 to 1. And no doubt it will be the same at 3GSM next month in Barcelona (with the exception of the Women in Mobile Data Event I'll be running - you see, I know they're out there, they just seem to be invisible...). Russell at Mobhappy's noticed it too.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no man-hater by *any* stretch of the imagination and clearly much innovation has been from men. But women do make up roughly half the population and allegedly are as bright and productive and as important as men (at least in Western Society). And i-mode was born of woman not man*. Except we're not (generally) represented in the digital world. This worries me. Technology is moving *seriously* fast and I believe womens voices should be heard when it comes to creating, developing, running and marketing new technology services (mobile, web 2.0 or whatever). I don't want men exclusively running my digital life thanks or my future digital life. Not least because women, in soooo many studies, are better at this communications thing than men. And let's face it, mobile is predominantly about communication. So ladies, where are you? (Clearly busy doing other important things). Stand up and be heard. Have your say and let's make this new digital world a better and balanced place by adding our 2p.
*Anyone know where I can get the 'mother of i-mode' book in English?
Qwikker and Virgin Bites are up for a 3GSM Award
To keep Virgin Mobile customers amused, Qwikker created 'boredom busters' for Virgin BITES service. Also part of the promotion, Virgin Mobile wanted to reach beyond their own subscriber base and also promote acts at the V-Festivals by distributing mobile content via bluetooth.
Qwikker’s service enabled consumers to download the non-intrusive [sic], branded Virgin Bites mobile channel, via Bluetooth, and browse and select music-related mobile content, which was relevant to them. Critically the Virgin content channel remained on the consumers’ handset, which is updateable over-the-air (OTA) – further extending the brand relationship.
As the service is for Virgin customers only, I can't try it out to tell you exactly how it works. Nor was I at V-Festival to try it. And I'm wondering how many people actually played around with the system when they could be seeing live bands or drinking instead? Now *that* would be interesting to know more about rather than the concept per se.
If the O2 wireless festival is anything to go by, or FourDocs bluetooth poster campaign or the Casino Royale bluetooth cinema campaigns are anything to go by, there could be a high failure rate - none of the afore-mentioned campaigns worked on my phone :( - none of them were run by Qwikker AFAIK.
Having looked at the Qwikker website, I'm guessing it's a java based download which updates over the air in a similar way to mobizines.If you're in a Qwikker location (pub or London Underground station) then you may get a bluetooth message asking you if you want to receive the content and at that point you 'opt-in'. The trouble is, in sending the message to your phone at all, you haven't opted-in. Having spoken to some people in this area, because that initial message *isn't* stored on the phone, it's ok to send it and isn't covered by the European Data Privacy rules. I have *no* idea why that is acceptable rather than a text message per se. It's just as intrusive, it's just as time-consuming to deal with (or not) as a text message and it's still an electronic message. And I am yet to see a reliable bluetooth delivery system. Hmm, I'm not convinced. Come on Qwikker - convince me that bluetooth is ready for the masses and that my personal experiences are not the norm. I want to be convinced...
I wish Qwikker the best of luck with the award and with their service, but I don't see why it should be one rule for bluespam and another for text spam (equally odious IMHO). The direct mail analogy is that Junk Mail is equivalent to a text message but a Bluetooth notification is the equivalent of a door-drop - the difference being that you don't have the address (mobile number) of the recipient. You still end up with junk on your doormat (phone). Hmm, the vagaries of European law!
The GSM Association’s Global Mobile awards will be presented at 3GSM 2007, Barcelona on the 13th February. More information is available at GSM Awards.
Infospace being sued by EMI for $100m
some links to keep you going 22 Jan 07
A mock up of what a Tag Heuer phone might look like.
T-Mobile responds to my criticisms of Club Zone at Christmas over at SMS Text News. Good to see that the powers that be really do read blogs.
I'm speaking at the Changing Media Summit held by the Guardian on 22nd March 2007 - get your tickets now! I'm on the panel in the afternoon talking about "From mashups to money: leveraging location based technologies for brand advantage". More on this later.
Monday, January 15, 2007
On this day in history...
It seems January is also a popular month for mobilistic birthdays - Russell's was a week or so ago, Rudy's was yesterday and it's Admob's 1st birthday today and they're about to publish their billionth ad as well as being featured on the front page (pdf) of the Wall Street Journal. Way to go!
Right, I'm off to go and have some fun!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Five things tag..
1. I have two nicknames - the first is technokitten, given to me by a friend who thought I was the least unlikely of our gang to get their heads round using computers back in 1994 - he thought I'd become a right technokitten - it stuck, and I now use it as a moniker for this blog and my digital life generally; the second is raindrop which is my brownie name as I run a brownie pack in Tooting on Wednesday nights;
2. I made a record in 1982 (as part of my school choir) to celebrate Pope John Paul II's visit to the UK. We got to sing it on telly and also, more importantly, on the podium, with the Pope when he said Mass at Coventry Airport.
3. I have something in common with Madonna - we were both directed by Laurence Boswell - me back in the 80s at the Swan Theatre in Worcester where I played The Queen of Spain in Fuenteovejuna (which also starred Rufus Norris who's now a hotshot West End Director most recently directing Cabaret), and Madonna in Up for Grabs at the Albemarle.
4. I enjoy needlework and dressmaking when I'm not painting the town red, listening to music, going to the Electric Picnic in Ireland, mooching on the internet (also known as shopping on ebay), buying shoes or watching TV!
5. Some of you may already know that I run Swedish Beers with Steve Flaherty but you may not know that I'm also a founder member of the Women in Mobile Data Association (if you're interested in knowing more about that, contact me as the site's very out of date). And I've been messing around with mobile marketing and media since 2000 when I worked with Russell Buckley at ZagMe, but that's a whole other story.
6. In case you already knew number 5, here's an extra one.. I already have my ticket booked for the Electric Picnic in September :) Thank you Sarah!As for tagging other people
Rudy de Waele, Ewan MacLeod, Russell Buckley, Jan Kuczynski and Deirdre Molloy
Honey I'm home
So what's been happening in my mobile world...
I celebrated Christmas with Women in Mobile Data (feels like a lifetime ago) at our annual Christmas Lunch at the Sloane Club.
I'm currently planning my trip to Barcelona (what a wonderful city) to 3GSM for next month and wondering if it's worth investing in a roam4free sim card but it's not clear what the data charges may or may not be or whether it supports data. Also has anyone got any cheap/reduced expo passes by any chance for 3GSM? I'm in need of a couple. And anyone want to meet up whilst we're out there - it would be great to meet some fellow mobilists who I wouldn't normally get chance to meet in Blighty? We'll be running a Swedish Beers event on Tuesday 13th February too - watch out for more details coming soon but do put the date in your diary.
I have done and am about to do quite a few training sessions for the IDM, e-consultancy and the University of Westminster.
I've been on the receiving end of more sms marketing efforts from Lakeside - seems they haven't learnt any lessons and are still doing the same old same old.
I've signed up to the Club t-zones from T-mobile as run by Buongiorno and it's a bit rubbish. A joined up out of curiosity (it's free) in January and they were still touting Christmas ringtones. Either they're very early for Christmas 2007 or no-one updated the club for new content after Christmas. A missed opportunity surely to reach those new handset owners and those trying wap and downloading content for the first time.
I've worked out how to use MSN on my phone. It's clunky, it's slow, but good for emergencies! Ditto gmail. Although gmail is quite a bit faster than MSN. It's very dull typing using the phone's keypad though after a few minutes.
I have yet to work out how the 'top scorer's' system works on Mobizines fab free daily Sudoku. I haven't been appearing as often as I think I should have...
Someone has a crush on me it seems. Feeling very flattered!
And I'm underwhelmed (as others are too) by the hype around Apple's iphone.