Under the terms of the agreement, Mobile Streams, using its proprietary Vuesia technology, has formatted content masters of the film into 'mobile ready' video, audio and graphic formats. The video clips are approximately two minutes each and offer mobile users glimpses into the Da Vinci Code story. 450 pieces of mobile content were produced by Mobile Streams in just a few days.
"Mobile distribution is an essential element of our overall Global marketing strategy for 'The Da Vinci Code'," says Tony Beswick, VP Operations & Technology Worldwide Product Fulfillment at Sony Pictures.
You can see some of the mobile content here and it seems to be all paid-for content - I didn't spot any freebies. I don't know where else you can get the mobile content, but I suspect several carrier deals have been done if mobile distribution really is an essential part of the global marketing strategy.
Also, this seems to be a non-exclusive deal as Ipsh! is managing the US mobile content site (that has no video clips). Is there an existing relationship between Ipsh! and Mobile Streams? Answers on a text message please.
I do know that a carrier deal was done in the US (Cingular), as TCS Mobile (www.tcsmobilemktg.com) is running a "Download to Win" promotional campaign with the carrier titled, "Download to DaVinci"