Friday, January 13, 2006 interview

I'm being interviewed on Thursday 19th January 2006 by the guys over at which I'm very excited about.

As preparation, they've asked me to come up with some frequently asked questions. Well that's easy enough for me to do. But I thought if any of you readers out there had any questions about mobile marketing then I'd be pleased to include them where possible. Or if there are topics that you think I should cover in the interview, that you think other people might be interested in, then let me know that too.

Please post your questions in the comments section or email me - helen [at] beepmarketing [dot] com


  1. I'm very curious about your thoughts on product placements within games and applications. I know a game on a cell phone is small enough as it is, but I'm sure product placements will occur - not merely some branded game.

  2. I'm not a games expert, but I have no doubt that this will come and not necessarily in the visual sense. I expect we'll also see sound placement which could well be more powerful than a tiny picture you can hardly see on screen.


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