Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Links ‘n stuff for a sunny Wednesday afternoon in May

Some stuff I’ve thought noteworthy in the last few days and weeks for your delectation.

Bitcoin: most dangerous open-source project ever created..unstoppable..will change the world unless governments ban them. Well worth a read for the implications. Talk about disruptive…


The BBC College of Journalism recently ran, what looked to be, a very interesting event called the Social Media Summit. Lots of good tweeting came out of it, including this great quote:

"Most organizations confuse Technology with Innovation. One is shiny things, the other is taking risks"

so you may be interested to take a look at some of the videos and reports of the day and you don’t need to be a budding journalist to get something out of them either!


Quote of the Day: Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else ~ Judy Garland via @QuotesPedia


A truly inspirational tale for anyone going through any life-crisis, mid- or otherwise. Hat tip to @J1M0T. And if you want some practical steps to help you along the way, then check out The Happiness Project. Hat tip to @Cait_tierney

More to come…