Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Follow me on twitter

Yes, I'm still blogging here from time to time, but frankly, I just don't have the time to write up all the stuff I want to write about. Don't panic, I'm not going to stop writing here but I am doing quite a lot of microblogging which you may be interested in. So rather than miss out, you can always follow me on twitter instead where I'm known as technokitten. I talk about lots of random stuff there, including a few juicy snippets and links on articles related to mobile so feel free to add me. You don't have to join in the conversation if you don't want to (although you'll get more out of it if you do), you can simply lurk if you prefer. And yes, I do keep my profile private so you'll have to ask permission, so please make sure I can tell that you're a real person (i.e. a photo of you, a short bio and a link to your blog or website is *really* helpful) and not some kind of spambot or serial killer.

Welcome to the twitterverse...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:49 pm GMT

    Don't give up on blogging - some things just don't fit into 140 characters :)


Keep it clean please. Spam will be removed. And thank you for taking the trouble to read and comment. I appreciate it.