I was reminded about his in my Facebook memories and, I'll be completely honest, it was not on my radar at all until it cropped up in my memories. And that's a shame as the campaign is rather lovely.
Kindness is a simple act and can be something very small but even small acts of kindness can have a great impact on both the giver and receiver. However, these small acts of kindness can be forgotten easily when we're tied up in day to life and its associated busyness. It's also fair to say it's sometimes hard to remember to be kind when faced with unkind behaviour. Remember the saying 'Behaviour breeds behaviour'.
If you need some ideas for how to be more kind today, you'll find them on the official website. The organisation is also running a kindness survey which you can find here.
In the face of autocracy, cost of living crisis, economic uncertainties, climate change and more, let's remember to spread a little more kindness every day. The small things do make a difference.